There are lots of people who develop anxiety throughout the course of their lives. This includes children. Individuals who learn and think differently from other people are more likely to develop anxiety. There are several reasons for this. For example, a lot of people develop significant amounts of anxiety due to the ongoing challenges they face. There might also be a genetic link between learning differences and anxiety, as kids with ADHD are up to three times more likely to develop anxiety when compared to children who do not have ADHD. In addition, there are connections between anxiety and dyslexia, slow processing speed, and sensory processing issues. Therefore, it is important for parents and caregivers to be able to spot some of the most common signs of anxiety.Â
A few of the top signs of anxiety include:Â
Children have angry outburstsÂ
Kids may be more sensitiveÂ
Children may avoid social situationsÂ
Kids might have panic attacksÂ
Children may have a difficult time handling criticismÂ
Kids could have a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleepÂ
Fortunately, there are several ways to treat anxiety. With effective treatment, it is possible to manage anxiety effectively, preventing it from impacting someone’s everyday functioning. For example, regular therapy can help children learn to cope with anxiety. If kids can better manage their symptoms, they might be able to focus better in school. Children may also be able to get accommodation at school for anxiety through a 504 plan. These interventions can make a significant difference in someone’s overall quality of life.Â
Learn more about the relationship between learning differences and anxiety by reading this article on!