Our Services
Thorup Tutoring provides one-on-one tutoring services for students of any age. We tutor online and in person in Holladay. We also provide group tutoring upon request. We are qualified to work with students from pre-school to college. We even tutor adults who have gone back to college! Our highly trained staff is skilled in a wide variety of subject areas including:
School Year Tutoring
Reading for adults and kids
Math (including Statistics and Calculus)
Writing (including college entrance essays)
Organization & Planning
Managing online courses and grade programs
Study Skills (test taking, note taking, active reading, etc.)
Executive Function Skills
Foreign Language
Science (including chemistry and physics)
ACT/SAT Preparation
AP classes
Most students come for one hour, once or twice per week. Scheduling extra sessions is not a problem. Some kids come several hours a week! We tutor Monday-Sunday (online and in person). All sessions are individualized according to the specific needs of each student. An optional meeting with Nancy Williams may be scheduled for an assessment of skill level. During this session parents and students also voice their concerns, goals, and needs. A specialized tutoring program is then created and a tutor is chosen. The tutor will then implement the program with the student.
Our Facility