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Dyslexia, ADD, and ADHD ‘Typical” Learning Styles

Nancy Thorup

Learning styles are the factors that influence all areas of learning and reference the way in which students take in and process information. The three most popular learning styles are: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (tactile).  Learning style is an individual’s unique approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.

Visual learners think in pictures and learn best by using visual images. They rely on non-verbal cues such as body language to help with understanding and often times take descriptive notes about the material being presented. Visual learners may prefer sitting in the front of the classroom.

Auditory learners learn best through hearing information and may struggle to understand written information. These individuals learn by reading out loud in the classroom and remember information that is explained to them rather than through visual images.

Kinesthetic (tactile) learners prefer an active “hands-on” approach and enjoy interaction with the physical world. Kinesthetic learners have a challenging time staying on task and can become easily distracted. Kinesthetic and tactile learners are children who need body movement and hands-on work. They are often dyslexic, ADD, and ADHD.

Right Brains and Left Brains

The brain is comprised of two halves or hemispheres – the right brain and the left brain. These halves are connected by pathways and there are differences in the way each hemisphere of the brain works. The left brain focuses on one thing at a time and is linear and logical. The right brain sees the big picture, uses emotions, images, intuition, and creativity to learn.

Dyslexic learners tend to be right-brain dominant, but this doesn’t infer that right-brain dominance is a weakness. Most school curriculum use a left-brained style of learning and right-brained learners will benefit from methods that tap into the right-brained thinker’s natural strengths. Visual resources, working in groups with lots of discussion, powerpoint presentations and picture flash cards will help the right-brained learner thrive and succeed in school.

About the author

Author, National Speaker/Trainer, Academic Therapist

Vikki empowers people! She is an author, national speaker, corporate trainer, and an Academic Therapist. Vikki grew up in Salt Lake City, met her husband at the University of Utah, and has owned several companies across the United States. In 2010, Vikki and her husband moved back to Utah, and she founded Vikki Carrel & Company, a speaking and training organization. While living in the East, Vikki was an Academic Therapist in the Central Bucks School District for several years. She received specialized training in teaching and implementing educational strategies to help students who perform below bench mark in reading and writing. Her strength is working with children that have ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and other learning disabilities. Vikki is the author of Switching Lanes, Puzzle Pieces and co-author of Chloe’s Closet. As a co-founder of Two Balance, Inc. and Mother Daughter America she has empowered teens, collegians, and adults for over two decades. Vikki continues to draw from her impressive 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur, working in non-profit leadership and education to teach strategies that help individuals with resistance to change, the power of perception, reducing stress, increasing personal productivity and impression management. Vikki holds a degree in Business Administration/Marketing. She and her husband have two grown sons and a daughter in law.

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